Artificial Intelligence with uncertainty
Age and gender classification from facial features and object detection with machine learning

Mehmet Karahan; Furkan Lacinkaya; Kaan Erdonmez; Eren Deniz Eminagaoglu; Cosku Kasnakoglu

Volume 3, Issue 3 , July 2022, , Pages 219-230

  In recent years, development of the machine learning algorithms has led to the creation of intelligent surveillance systems. Thanks to the machine learning, it is possible to perform intelligent surveillance by recognizing people's facial features, classifying their age and gender, and detecting objects ...  Read More

Neutrosophic sets and their variants
An application of neutrosophic logic in the confirmatory data analysis of the satisfaction with life scale

Volkan Duran; Selcuk Topal; Florentin Smarandache

Volume 2, Issue 3 , September 2021, , Pages 262-282

  The main concept of neutrosophy is that any idea has not only a certain degree of truth but also a degree of falsity and indeterminacy in its own right. Although there are many applications of neutrosophy in different disciplines, the incorporation of its logic in education and psychology is rather scarce ...  Read More